Passo dos Terceiros Alfrocheiro Tinto 75cl


Castas: Alfrocheiro (Vinhas Velhas)

Vinho com cor rubi, aromas elegantes e toques vegetais, com notas de bagas silvestres e cereja madura. Boca elegante, com belo volume, taninos
sedosos, bem casados com a acidez que o vinho ostenta. Termina longo e com bom equilíbrio final.

Gastronomia: Será uma companhia perfeita para Pratos de Gastronomia Alentejana.

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It is a historic company in the Alentejo Region, founded in 1968 and which, with the recent entry of a new Administration led by Fernando Tavares, is now focused on the quality and repositioning of all wines, at a higher level of quality and price.

In the heart of Borba, SOVIBOR benefits from unique facilities, where more than two centuries of history merge with new quality standards, new wines and brands, a new management team, renewed images and a new strategy.

Family company, with renowned experience in the production of Alentejo Wines, particularly DOC Borba Wines.

Tradition, Quality and Modernity are values that we want to preserve, to continue making our History.

Additional information

Weight 1,4 kg