Dona Matilde Red 75cl


Dona Matilde red wine is produced from Vinhas Velhas with traditional grape varieties from the Douro Demarcated Region, where Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca and Tinta Amarela predominate. It has a 12-month aging period in barrels. It is a ruby colored wine, with an intense aroma, marked predominantly by black fruits such as blackberries and black plums and with the presence of mentholated aromas. In the mouth it is velvety but with a lot of structure and volume and a very long aftertaste.

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Quinta Dona Matilde is one of the oldest properties in the Douro region. Previously known as Enxodreiro, the farm was part of the first demarcation, ordered by the Marquês de Pombal in 1756, and was part of the properties authorized to produce “factory wines”, an expression synonymous with the best wines, those intended for export. Even today, the entire vineyard on the farm has the letter A, the highest classification in the region, used in the Port wine sector.

Located on the north bank of the Douro River, in the Bagaúste dam area, the farm has 28 hectares of vineyards, installed between elevations 50 and 300 meters and with a large river front. It has traditional old Douro vines, aged between 70 and 90 years, and more recent plantations, around 20 years old.
Quinta Dona Matilde also constitutes an important natural habitat in the Douro. With a total surface of 93 hectares, there is a large area occupied by uncultivated land, with natural vegetation, which includes the so-called mortorios and also many olive trees – the farm has 1100 registered, but in the founder's old record book the purchase of 12 thousand olive trees in the middle of the last century.
Flanked by large trees or stone walls, the farm's paths also lead towards the orange and lemon orchard or the terraced gardens, with roses and other typically Mediterranean vegetation. This biodiversity territory of the Douro is also inhabited by partridges, kites, Bonelli's eagles; hares, foxes and wild boars; snakes, spiders and many other insects that prey on vineyard pests.

Additional information

Weight 1,4 kg