Liqueur 35 FC Porto 70 cl


Designed to be drunk on any occasion and at any time, this liqueur, unique with a Portuguese flavor, has 14.5% of alcohol, offering a lighter touch to your tasting.

For those who want to add originality to a cocktail, have a pleasant digestive or even accompany a coffee, Licor 35 is always a pleasure for all the senses.



An entrepreneur, a liquor producer and a conversation about the Lusitanian pasteis de nata gave rise to the great idea:


From the adventure of developing this creamy liqueur comes its name:

  • Of the first 21 samples developed in the conception of the liqueur, the most appreciated were the 3rd and 5th, and the union of the two gave rise to Licor 35;
  • The numbers 3 and 5, if interchanged, reveal the age of the brand's founder;
  • We added a pinch of Mathematics: 3 5 = 8… If we add 8 we get infinity, and that is exactly what the brand aims to achieve.