Yorkshire's oldest brewery – Est. 1758
Samuel Smith brews a wide range of high quality beers exclusively from authentic natural ingredients.
The brewery still uses Yorkshire stone squares to ferment all its ales and ales (except Sovereign and Extra Stout) and the same strain of yeast has been used since the 11th century.
Whole dried English hop varieties such as Fuggles and Goldings are used to add bitterness and aroma to Samuel Smith's traditional beers in the old boiling tanks.
Samuel Smith's uses oak barrels for all of its naturally conditioned beer. Barrels are made and repaired at the Old Brewery by the brewery's full-time coopers.
The Old Brewery has two full-time coopers who make and repair all of Samuel Smith's oak barrels. Oak barrels are used for hand-handled Old Brewery Bitter and to mature Yorkshire Stingo.