Casa Ermelinda Freitas Trincadeira Reserva Red 2017 75cl


Castas: Trincadeira

Carne estufada, caça, assados no forno, queijos fortes.

Na boca é muito cheio, aveludado com taninos presentes muito bem integrados, com uma boa acidez. Final longo, agradável e persistente.

Aroma confitado a lembrar fruta preta muito madura, alguma especiaria, com toque balsâmico da casta.

Na boca é muito cheio, aveludado com taninos presentes muito bem integrados, com uma boa acidez. Final longo, agradável e persistente.

6 in stock

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The company, started in 1920 by Deonilde Freitas, continued by Germana Freitas and later by Ermelinda Freitas, has always paid special attention to wine. Due to the early disappearance of her husband, Manuel João de Freitas, Ermelinda continued the company with the collaboration of her only daughter, Leonor, who, although with training outside the wine sector, took the leadership of the company, thus reinforcing the female presence in its management.

Since the first generation, this house has focused on the quality of its vineyards and wines, which were initially produced and sold in bulk without its own brand. It was with the current management that the big change of creating our own brands took place. Thus, in 1997, a new cycle began with the red “Terras do Pó”, the first wine produced and bottled by Casa Ermelinda Freitas.

Big Milestones

For her work, Leonor Freitas was awarded on June 10, 2009 with the Order of Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Merit Class of Agricultural Merit Commander by His Excellency the President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.

Additional information

Weight 1,4 kg