Monte das Bagas de Ouro Branco 75cl


Castas: Arinto e Antão Vaz

Aromaticamente muito intenso, exuberante com uma expressão de alperce… marcante e muito sedutor. Ficamos com vontade de o provar. Na boca uma frescura irrequieta, onde sobressai lima… acidez marcante, que gera muito prazer. Dá vontade de repetir!

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The smells… the colors… the sensations.

The sunrise.

A dream come true.

Adega do Montado is dedicated to the production and sale of wine in Serpa and was born from a dream of one of the partners: to plant a vineyard in Alentejo and make the region known to the world.

In 2015 the vineyard was born.

In 2019, the Winery was built – a family project that crosses generations and is based on the passion for the countryside and the world of wine.

The immensity of the plains, the colors that mark the land, the sun. Everything involves Adega do Montado.

Additional information

Weight 1,4 kg